Nowadays is very usual too see lady make up to cover and hide these hole on their face, just like JKR replenish the broken road. Some girls even make up their face til thick thick as thick as great wall china! But better dun touch it ar! FRAGILE!!
But that is not the point for this post! The focal point is how does girls choose the cosmetic product for themselves. Brand? Price? Popularity? No… I noticed that its actually by the name of the products.. As you can see today, more popular the product are, more stranger the name it own!!
This is wud I mean:
SK-IIFirst we got SK-II. SK2?? does it mean SUKU-SUKU?? Ya I think so, SK2 is the short form for suku-suku right?? So… Has you got use the suku-suku product??
sasaThen we got SASA…. 傻傻?so is SASA or傻傻?? or maybe we can call it as DUMBDUMB lo… so put dumbdumb on your face, make it as dumb as you like just with dumbdumb products!
OLAY!!!That is the very famous facial product, OLAY!!!!! Olay is the word I used to sarcastic ppl when ppl did something funny and embarrass then I will say: BUUUUU!!!! OLAY! OLAY! SIA SOI AR YOU…!! OLAY!!
SILKYGIRLFinally here we got SILKY GIRL… lol… sound more like SILLY GIRL!! or maybe silky girl is just for silly girl??
The conclusion is, more funny a product’s name, more girls will like it!!
NOTE: This post have no prejudice elements to girls who make up! It just a post, nothing personal!