Sunday, September 21, 2008

A collection of insults!

(1) Is your name Dan Druff? You get into people's head.

(2) I bet your brain feels as good as new, seeing that you've never used it.

(3) They say that two heads are better than one. In your case, one would have been better than none.

(4) You should toss out more of your funny remarks; that's all they're good for.

(5) People can't say that you have absolutely nothing! After all, you have inferiority!

(6) You must have a low opinion of people if you think they're your equals.

(7) I wish you were all here. I don't like to think there is more! Even your best friend cheats on you and lies to you, and that's the best friend you can get.

(8) I don't think you are a fool. But then, what's my own humble opinion against thousands of others?

(9) Nobody says that you are dumb. They just say you were sixteen years old before you learned how to wave goodbye.

(10) People say that you are the perfect idiot. I say that you are not perfect, but you are doing alright.

(11) Ordinarily people live and learn. You just live.

(12) I thought of you all day today when I was at the zoo.

(13) When you talk, other people get hoarse just listening.

(14) I would say that you are barking up the wrong tree, but that is your natural voice.

(15) I reprimanded my brother for mimicking you. I told him not to act like a fool.

(16) I don't hold your behavior against you because I realize it was caused by childhood trauma; your parents spanked you when you fell on your head and broke the cement.

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